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While breastfeeding is natural and beneficial, it’s not always easy. In fact, it can be challenging for some new mothers. With the right support, however, most mothers can successfully breastfeed their babies. A lactation consultant is a professional who helps new parents overcome challenges and reach their breastfeeding goals.

Here’s what a lactation consultant does:

What is Lactation?

Lactation is the production of milk, a breast milk substitute produced by the mammary glands of mammals. It is a normal physiological process that enables an infant to suckle upon birth. The milk produced by the mammary glands is responsible for the infant’s nutrition and immune system development. Once the infant is able to eat solid foods, this milk production stops. Lactation is the result of two factors: the hormonal changes in a woman’s body, and the stimulation of the breasts by the infant suckling on the mother’s nipples. It is a result of the interplay between these two factors that causes milk to be released into the milk ducts in the breasts.

How to Hire a Lactation Consultant

The first step toward hiring a lactation consultant is to find out if there are any lactation consultants in your area. Many hospitals and birthing centers have on-staff lactation consultants, but it is also possible to find private lactation consultants, such as the lactation consultant at Nest Collaborative. A search on Google or Facebook can help. Once you have determined if there are lactation consultants in your area, you can begin to look for potential candidates. You can research potential consultants by reviewing their online “credentials,” or by visiting their website. Before you interview any potential consultant, you should be prepared to ask the following questions:

  • Do they have an advanced nursing degree?
  • Are they certified by a professional organization?
  • What is their experience?
  • Do they have references?
  • Do they have any certifications or training related to lactation consultation?
  • What is their hourly rate?

Common Challenges in Breastfeeding

As a new mother, you may find breastfeeding challenging because of the following common challenges in breastfeeding:

  • Breast Pumping Challenges: A new mother may have difficulty breastfeeding her baby because she is not producing enough milk or is producing too much milk. This can make breastfeeding very painful. In addition to the pain associated with this, there can be possible infections associated with the pain.
  • Baby Bloat: Baby bloat is a condition that occurs when a baby’s sucking action causes the stomach to inflate with gas. Baby bloat can cause severe pain, vomiting, and even death in infants who are too young to cry or who have an illness such as cerebral palsy.
  • Poor latch: Mothers and consultants may have trouble latching on to the breast because of a variety of reasons including tooth spacing, jaw misalignment, improper positioning of the baby’s mouth on the breast, or the presence of a pacifier in the mouth.
  • Bottle-feeding and Introducing Solid Foods: When mothers feel that they have fully weaned their babies off of breastfeeding, they may sometimes find themselves unable to fully wean the child off of breastfeeding even though they no longer need the extra nutrition it provides.

Tips for Successful Breastfeeding

It’s important to remember that breastfeeding is a skill that can be learned and improved with practice. When you first start, it will be difficult, but with the right support, you can learn how to successfully breastfeed your baby. Here are some tips for success:

  1. Make sure that you are well-rested and hydrated before you attempt to breastfeed your baby.
  2. Get a good latch. If your baby isn’t getting a good latch, your milk won’t flow, and he won’t get the nutrition that he needs.
  3. Support your breast by touching them and massaging them while your baby latches on.
  4. Get a good pillow. Your baby should be able to lie down in a comfortable position while you are breastfeeding him.
  5. Get a good bra. You will probably be wearing your bra for about two-thirds of the time that you are breastfeeding your baby. This is a great opportunity to wear a bra that supports your breasts and keeps them from being bruised by the bra clasp.
  6. Find someone who can help you feed your baby. Ideally, you want to feed your baby while you watch someone else do the work.


Congratulations, you now have a baby! You may be wondering, what next? You are now responsible for feeding him with breastmilk and maintaining his health, including his immunity. To do this, you will need to make sure that you are receiving adequate nutrition and vitamins as well as plenty of rest. Breastfeeding also requires a good deal of patience and practice, so it’s important that you not only have the right tools but also the time to practice them. With a little effort, you can successfully breastfeed your baby. Before you know it, you will have overcome the common challenges in breastfeeding and be enjoying the benefits of breastfeeding.


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