
There are over three million Americans that have hearing loss. By 2020, that number is expected to increase by 25 percent. It is more important than ever before to schedule a regular hearing test because of how prevalent hearing loss has become in the United States. Here are some reasons why you should consider scheduling an appointment for your regular hearing test and things to consider when doing so.

Why should you schedule a hearing test?

One of the most important reasons to schedule a hearing test is to stay aware of your hearing loss. If you are unaware that you have a hearing loss, it could lead to long-term health issues or impairment in social and professional interactions with others. Another reason to schedule a hearing test is to determine if you need a cochlear implant. There are different types of implants that can be used by people with profound hearing loss, including bone-anchored implants and inserting an electrode directly into the cochlea.

  1. The cost of making mistakes – In our fast-paced world, there’s never enough time for everything. By taking care of your health today, you’re protecting yourself from the consequences of making mistakes in the future; which may include how much money you waste on medical bills or how much time it takes for your condition to worsen before getting relief from treatment methods.
  2. The social implications – Some people might think that their friends won’t like them if they find out about their hearing loss, however studies show that people who know about their hearing loss actually want to help their loved ones when they need it. If someone knows they have a hearing problem, they will often become more empathetic towards others who struggle with the same issue and they’ll be willing to do anything they can to help them feel comfortable during conversations.
  3. The consequences of not becoming aware of your hearing loss – As noted earlier, not becoming aware of your hearing loss can lead

How to make an appointment for a hearing test

If you suspect that you or someone you know has a hearing loss, the best course of action is to schedule an appointment for a hearing test. If you are experiencing difficulty with understanding speech, there are many different types of hearing tests available at your local audiologist. One test is pure tone audiometry, which will help determine the degree and severity of your hearing loss. This will allow the audiologist to recommend more aggressive treatment for your condition. Another test is an otoneurological exam (OAE), which will examine if any nerve damage may be present in your ear or auditory nerve that could be causing your difficulties with understanding speech.

  1. The cost of making mistakes.
  2. The social implications.
  3. The consequences of not becoming aware of your hearing loss.
  4. The chances for long-term health issues and potential impairment in social and professional interactions with others.
  5. Your cochlear implant options


A regular hearing test will help you recognize the warning signs of hearing loss. If you have any questions about your hearing, schedule a hearing test with your doctor.


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